Behavioral Response Intervention Team
Student Assistance Request
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The Behavioral Response Intervention Team develops a comprehensive response to critical incidents and students of concern. The team is concerned with the health and well-being of students and the campus community. It is chaired by the Associate Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs, Dean of Students. Representatives from Campus Housing, the Center for Student Involvement, the Counseling Center, Women’s Affairs, Campus Advocacy Network, Public Affairs, UIC Police, University Counsel, and Academic Affairs all serve on the team. Meeting monthly during the fall and spring terms, the team provides comprehensive, coordinated, and consistent care and response to critical incidents and students of concern. SRT reviews the following types of incidents:
- Complicated situations in which a student’s behavior creates a real or perceived danger to them or others in the community; threat(s) of harm to self or others;
- Repeated concerning behaviors indicating a pattern of instability or significant distress;
- Behaviors that are disruptive to academic or living environments on campus;
- Campus-or unit-wide scenarios that directly affect the well-being of multiple students or negatively impact a specific community;
- Complex student situations that have or may have an impact the student’s ability to function successfully in the UIC community.
If you have concerns that you believe may warrant the involvement of Behavioral Response Intervention Team, please complete a report via the Student Care & Assistance Request at the top of the page.