CISAR Student Veterans Center

The CISAR Student Veterans’ Center, funded by the William and Winifred Freeman Foundation and named for the Cisar family, is a space for veterans and their friends to relax, study, and find fellowship on campus. Located behind the Inner Circle in Student Center East.

CISAR Student Veterans Center Heading link

750 S. Halsted Street,

248 Student Center East,


What is the Cisar Student Veterans Center? Heading link

How to Find the Cisar Student Veterans Center Heading link

Building Map


The Center typically follows the Commuter Student Resource Center hours. During the fall and spring semesters, the Cisar Student Veterans Center is typically open 7:30 am – 5 pm Monday through Friday.

Some closures are dependent on the published academic calendar and holiday/gift day schedule for a given fiscal year and staff training.

Summer hours: Begin the Monday following Spring finals week through the Friday before the start of the Fall semester and are typically 10am to 3pm.

Winter hours: Begin the Monday following Fall finals week through the Friday before the start of the Spring semester are typically 9am to 4pm. The Center is closed to the public during this period, however staff are available to respond to phone calls and emails.

The Center closes for Winter Break from December 24th to January 1st.

Parking is available for a fee at the Halsted/Taylor Parking Structure at 760 W. Taylor St.

Directions to Campus are available here.