Sexual Misconduct
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Sexual Misconduct Hearings will follow the Student Conduct Hearing procedures described in the Student Disciplinary Policy Article IX, Section B. In addition, during the presentation of evidence segment, the Title IX Coordinator will present a summary of the recommended findings from the investigation. The complainant, respondent and committee members will have the opportunity to ask questions related to the investigative summary. The Title IX Coordinator remains for the duration of the hearing in order to allow all parties an opportunity to ask any additional questions.
Both the respondent and the complainant have the right to have one advisor present during the hearing. The advisor will be restricted to advising their respective party and may not speak on their behalf. An advisor may not serve as a witness.
Respondents or complainants who wish to have an attorney as their advisor must notify the Office of the Dean of Students of their intent to have the attorney present at least five (5) days prior to the hearing through our Advisor Notification Form. In those circumstances, the University may have an attorney from the Office of University Counsel present.
In addition to an advisor, both the respondent and complainant are allowed to bring an advocate with them to the hearing. The advocate serves as a support person for the respondent or complainant and will not be permitted to directly participate in the hearing.
A witness is someone who directly observed an incident or has direct or indirect knowledge related to an incident. Witnesses cannot participate solely to speak to an individual’s character. The respondent, complainant, and/or the Office of the Dean of Students may request relevant witnesses to participate in the hearing. If a witness participates in the Title IX Investigation, their interview will be presented by the Title IX Coordinator in the hearing.
The Sexual Misconduct Committee will consist of members of the Community Standards Committee who have received specialized training. This training is focused on types of Sexual Misconduct and trauma informed response, as required by law. Members of the Sexual Misconduct Committee may not participate in the Title IX investigation or any previous procedures associated with the complaint.