Resolution Options
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The University of Illinois Chicago (UIC) is dedicated to fostering a respectful and accountable campus environment. To address instances of student and student organization misconduct, the Office of the Dean of Students resolve cases in a variety of ways to ensure fairness and consistency that are in line with the Student Disciplinary Policy.
Resolution Options Heading link
Academic Liaison
The Academic Liaison Process provides support to faculty in handling violations of academic integrity. The Academic Liaison Process allows faculty an opportunity to resolve the matter through the Office of the Dean of Students. A Faculty Complainant or college representative for a faculty member may request resolution through the Academic Liaison Process, though this is not required. The Academic Liaison Process can be utilized only for violations of the Standards of Conduct for Academic Integrity. Academic Liaisons may only be utilized for first time offenses.
Proposed by the faculty member may include, but is not limited to: a failing grade for the course in which the student is enrolled; a failing grade for the assignment in which the faculty member believes academic dishonesty took place; a letter of reprimand issued to the student; participating in an Academic Integrity webinar; and/or repeating the assignment in question. All proposed resolutions by faculty members must be within their scope of authority.
Mutual Agreement
When the Office of the Dean of Students receives a complaint and/or an investigative report that alleges that a Respondent may have violated relatively minor infractions of the Standards of Conduct, the Dean of Students can engage in the mutual agreement process. A mutual agreement process cannot be offered to a respondent who has previously been found responsible for similar behaviors.
Administrative Hearing
An administrative hearing is a conduct proceeding conducted by a member of the staff in the Office of the Dean of Students to hear cases involving minor infractions (not to include sex discrimination). Administrative hearings are conducted for complaints that are likely to result in the following outcomes (if the respondent was found responsible for violating the Standards of Conduct): Administrative Sanctions, Developmental Sanctions, Academic Sanctions, Campus Housing Sanctions (A & B), and Student Organization Sanctions (A & B).
The Office of the Dean of Students will arrange an administrative hearing with the student. During the administrative hearing, the alleged violations will be reviewed, the student will have an opportunity to respond to the alleged violations of the Standards of Conduct, an explanation of the possible outcomes/sanctions will be discussed, and the student will be notified that future misconduct could result in more serious disciplinary actions. Within a reasonable period of time, not to exceed five (5) days after the hearing, a written notification will be sent to the student containing the outcome of the hearing.
This section refers to the general standards for hearings that do not involve allegations of sex discrimination. Please refer to Article VIII for information about the conduct of hearings involving allegations of sex discrimination.
If the respondent chooses not to meet with the administrative hearing officer by the given deadline, the hearing officer may proceed with the determination of responsibility and any sanctions (limited to those described above). Depending on the nature of the case, the hearing officer may instead place a hold on the student’s record, preventing registration until the student has met with the administrative hearing officer.
Sex Discrimination Hearing Committee
UIC will conduct hearings to address complaints of sex discrimination following the procedures outlined in this section of the Policy. Sex Discrimination includes hostile environment harassment, sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, stalking, sexual violence, and sexual exploitation. For more information, please consult the Comprehensive Policy and Procedure on Sex Discrimination, Including Harassment.
Student Conduct Committee Hearing
Student conduct hearings are non-adversarial, fact-finding proceedings that occur to address alleged violations of the Standards of Conduct. It is the responsibility of the Hearing Committee/Hearing Chair to ask all relevant questions, determine the admissibility and relevance of all materials, establish reasonable guidelines for the presentation of information, render decisions based on the materials and information provided, and impose sanctions where appropriate. The hearing process provides the Complainant and/or respondent with an opportunity to:
- Review the available case information;
- Share their perspectives on what happened, including presenting witnesses’ relevant evidence; and/or
- Describe the effects the incident has had on the student and others, both negative (harm caused) and positive (lessons learned)
The hearing shall have the following objectives:
- Inform the parties and committee members of the charges;
- Give the student(s) involved an opportunity to present their respective positions and to respond to the charges;
- Consider evidence, testimony, and credibility of the students and witnesses;
- Determine, using a preponderance of the evidence standard, if respondent is responsible for any or all of the alleged violations of the Standards of Conduct;
- Consider and impose appropriate