U and I Care Summit 2021
October 21, 2021
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Virtual Zoom Meeting
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An annual opportunity for UIC faculty and staff to work together and spark conversation on how we can support students, faculty, and staff to promote a campus dedicated to providing a network of care. This year, the summit will be focusing on Supporting Students During A Pandemic: Understanding the Impact on UIC Student Success & Well-Being. Our goal is to start a conversation on campus that can lead to opportunities in supporting students, faculty, and staff as they navigate various challenges related to this topic.
Meet Our Panelists!
Sophia Hamilton, Director of the Disability Resource Center
Liz Houlihan, Director of the Office of 1st-Year Initiatives
Matin Firas, LAS Undergraduate Student, Peer Care Intern for U&ICare
Staff TBD, UIC Counseling Center
Meet Our Presenter!
Dr. Rosario-Moore’s research focuses on racial and socioeconomic equity in secondary and post-secondary education through an integrated analysis of federal and state policy, organizational sense-making and implementation, and perception and decision-making among students and families. Prior research has examined the influence of federal accountability regimes on racial and ethnic disparities, the influence of race and social class on the college choice process, and an analysis of a collaborative university-public school partnership. He currently teaches courses in the M.Ed. in Urban Higher Education program and the Ed.D. in Urban Educational Leadership program.
Dr. Rosario-Moore will be presenting on his recent research project, which explores the pandemic’s impact on undergraduate students, their academic engagement, and decision-making related to retention or departure.
Date posted
Sep 18, 2020
Date updated
Oct 14, 2021