Support Person/Advisors
Support Person/Advisors Heading link
The Community Standards process at the University of Illinois Chicago can sometimes be a stressful process for many students. Student(s) involved in the community standards process may have a support person/advisors with them. An advisor/support person may be a friend, family member, spouse, advocate, or any other person who is not a witness in the hearing. An advisor/support person advises the Complainant or respondent only and shall not be permitted to directly participate in any conference or hearing.
Respondents or Complainants who wish to have an attorney attend the conference or hearing as their support person shall notify the Dean of Students of his/her intent to have the attorney present and shall provide the attorney’s name and contact information at least five (5) days prior to the conference or hearing. In those circumstances, the University may have an attorney from the Office of University Counsel present. An advisor/support person may not appear in lieu of a respondent or Complainant.
The Office of the Dean of Students and/or the Office of University Counsel will not be able to directly communicate with your advisor without you completing the Consent to Release Records (FERPA). If you choose to provide consent to release your educational records, you must complete the online form.
Please review the Student Disciplinary Policy for more information on the student conduct process. If you have any questions or concerns about this form, please contact the Student Conduct Area in the Office of the Dean of Students at 312-996-4857 or via email at
What is a Support Person/Advisor? Heading link
A person who provides advice and/or support to a Complainant or respondent in the Student Conduct process. An advisor/support person may be a friend, family member, spouse, advocate, or any other person who is not a witness in the hearing. An advisor/support person advises the Complainant or respondent only and shall not be permitted to directly participate in any conference or hearing.
Advisors for Sex Discrimination Hearings Heading link
Prior to the Sex Discrimination hearing, the Complainant and Respondent may each choose an advisor, which may but need not be an attorney, to accompany them to the hearing. If a party chooses to have an advisor present with them, the party must notify the university of the name and contact information for their advisor at least 5 days in advance of the hearing. Support Person/Advocate for Sex Discrimination Hearings. The Respondent and Complainant are allowed to bring a support person as described in Section VII, Part A, Subsection 4, in lieu of or in addition to an advisor as described above.