Preparing for Your Student Conduct Committee Hearing

What is the Student Conduct Committee? Heading link

The Student Conduct Committee is responsible for hearing alleged violations of Standards of Conduct set forth herein. The Student Conduct Committee consists of a pool of faculty, staff, and students. Individual hearing committees are formed from this pool. The Chair of the Student Conduct Committee is appointed by the Dean of Students and is a non-voting member of the Student Conduct Committee. The Dean of Students may serve as an ex-officio, non-voting member of the committee. The quorum for the committee will be at least four and no more than six voting members.

What is the Sex Discrimination Hearing Committee? Heading link

The composition of the Sex Discrimination Hearing Committee will consist only of those members of the Student Conduct Committee who have received specialized training consistent with the requirements of applicable law and the Comprehensive Policy and Procedures on Sex Discrimination, Including Harassment. The Complainant and respondent will receive notification, prior to the hearing, of the identity of the Sex Discrimination Hearing Committee members. The students may request a change of committee members for their review meeting if the Complainant/respondent establishes that the committee member has a conflict of interest or bias.

How to Prepare for your Committee Meeting Heading link

  1. Review the Student Disciplinary Policy
    The Student Disciplinary Policy should become your best friend. It outlines the entire Community Standards Process and provides potential sanctions you could receive. Make sure you know and understand the specific alleged violations against you, which are listed in your notice of complaint letter and defined in the Student Code of Conduct. Your understanding of this Policy could directly affect your perception and approach towards your upcoming community standards hearing. When in doubt, contact the Office of the Dean of Students for clarification at 312-996-4857.
  2. Attend your Pre-Hearing Meeting
    Attend your pre-hearing meeting with a member of the Community Standards team. The pre-hearing meeting is meant for you to structure of the hearing, understanding what opening and closing statement are, and answer any questions you may have about the process.
  3. Be Prompt
    Plan to arrive at your hearing before the Student Conduct Committee at least 15 minutes prior to the scheduled time. This will allow you an opportunity to collect your thoughts before presenting your case and to ask any final questions about the process. All hearings begin on time. The dress code for any hearing is casual.
  4. Bring an Advisor/Support Person
    In most cases, an advisor/support person is not necessary but you have the right to bring one. An advisor/support person can help you prepare for your hearing and may sit with you during the hearing. Advisors can be any trusted individual, including parents, friends, attorneys and especially faculty and staff who are familiar with the Community Standards Process. It is important to remember that our process is student-led and educationally based. This means you are responsible for representing yourself in the hearing. Your advisor/support person will not be allowed to speak on your behalf or appear in your stead. Remember, you must notify the Office of the Dean of Students with your advisor’s name and phone number at least five business days prior to your hearing. Failure to do so could result in your advisor not being allowed in the proceedings or your hearing could be rescheduled.
  5. Bring Witnesses
    Like advisors, witnesses are not necessary in most cases. Witnesses are useful when only second-hand information is available. Witnesses can present relevant information about an incident as they saw or heard it themselves. We do not allow for character witnesses. You must notify the Office of the Dean of Students of any witnesses prior to the hearing.
  6. Be Prepared & Organized
    Be sure to organize all of your thoughts and outline all of the events associated with the incident. Taking the time to write out a thorough opening and closing statement would help to present your side of the incident clearly. It is essential that you read through your case packet from the Office of the Dean of Students when you are notified of your upcoming hearing. This packet contains relevant information that will be presented and discussed at your hearing. Being organized and prepared for your hearing increases the chances of a fair and agreeable outcome.
  7. Ask Questions – Early & Often
    The Community Standards Process is about student development and growth. Office of Community Standards is designed to assist you during this process. Be sure to get all of your questions answered prior to your hearing and do not hesitate to follow up.